It is a good idea to work with a chiropractor early in your pregnancy. When you do, the chiropractor can help detect any issues and begin treatment quickly to relieve any pregnancy-related pain or discomfort.
Typically, pelvic or back pain begins as early as five months of pregnancy. In some cases, a pregnant woman may experience pain just 30 days after becoming pregnant. This pain will be due to the amount of hormonal and physical changes taking place in the woman’s body.
Other changes may occur with your posture and spine while your baby grows. When your back’s curve increases, pain and instability may develop and cause the psoas muscle to shorten and create more pain.
As your due date approaches, the body releases a hormone known as relaxin to help relax the pelvis before giving birth. However, pain and instability in the sacroiliac joints may occur when the hormone is released. A chiropractor can combine many methods to alleviate pain naturally. These natural methods will help you avoid medications that may affect the baby.
With a significant amount of changes taking place in your musculoskeletal system, you will benefit highly from receiving care from a chiropractor. Our chiropractors are highly trained to help a pregnancy become a comfortable experience that will result in a smooth delivery from start to finish. Our chiropractors have the experience and know-how to help navigate a woman’s pregnancy while being aware of possible complications. When problems are caught early on, we can provide advice for natural treatment for the pain.
How Our Pregnancy Care Plan Works
1. Tell Your Story
When you arrive at our brand new, state-of-the-art facility, you’ll be greeted by two of the friendliest faces you’ve ever met. They will assist you with a simple intake form and escort you to one of our comfortable and elegant consultation suites. Then, your very own case manager will sit and listen to your story and document your areas of discomfort and loss. After your consultation is complete, the case manager will introduce you to all of our medical providers, who will individually perform an appropriate exam based on their experience and specialty and then determine what other additional testing, such as X-ray, MRI, CT or Diagnostic Ultrasound will need to be performed. Once completed, we will schedule your follow-up visit, typically within 24-48 hours.
2. Team Meeting
Between your Day 1 and your Day 2 visit, the medical, therapy, and chiropractic teams go into action. We pull together the clinical and intake data, the X-ray imaging, and the orthopedic and neurological testing results and determine a multidisciplinary approach diagnosis, utilizing over 50 years of healthcare experience. This enables every treatment team member to have a say in your unique condition, diagnosis, and purpose for why you want to be healthier. We can then produce a comprehensive and specialized treatment plan that will help you get better faster, address the cause of your painful condition, and effectively stay healthy to enjoy a future quality of life.
3. Accelerated Recovery Program
Our comprehensive program is designed to restore your quality of life efficiently and effectively. We may employ a variety of modalities to accomplish this goal including but not limited to Regenerative Medicine, Lumbar and Cervical Spinal Decompression, Class 4 Laser Therapy, Radial Pressure Wave, Neurocure, NeuroMed, In-House Active Therapy, Spinal and Extremity Adjustments.
4. Quality & Quantity of Life
At Harbour Medical, our goal is to quickly remove your pain points, address and correct the underlying condition of those areas, and provide you with the simple tools to maintain, preserve, and protect the new and amazing level of function and well-being that translates into your ability to enjoy the moments that give your life purpose and joy.
Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Moms in Stuart, FL
Obtaining specific chiropractic care is essential for pregnant women. With a lot of change going on and the release of relaxin by the body, there is a high risk of subluxation, causing pain and dysfunction throughout the body. Without chiropractic care, the discomfort felt by the pregnant mom may become unbearable and spread to various body parts such as the mid-back, lower back, neck, and pelvis. Going to a chiropractor is the best choice as they are specially trained to relieve spine subluxations.
Common Causes of Pregnancy Pain in Stuart, FL
Lower Back Pain
Experiencing lower back pain is the most common type of pain to experience while pregnant. The cause for it is due to the extra weight you are carrying and many other changes taking place physiologically.
If an abdominal muscle separates, it can cause a weaker lumbar spine and significant instability. When the relaxin hormone is introduced to the blood flow, the ligaments will have even more instability.
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain is another common symptom associated with pregnancy as your body makes necessary changes to deliver the baby naturally. The introduction of the relaxin hormone increases joint instability and discomfort. Besides hormonal changes, constipation, UTIs, ovarian cysts, and Braxton Hicks contractions can also cause pelvic pain.
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
The symphysis pubis consists of pubic bones that meet in the lower abdomen slightly above the female genitalia. With relaxin present, the joint will become relaxed and enable the birth canal to widen. However, this can also result in pain developing. As the baby’s weight increases, SPD pain also increases.
A significant amount of pregnant women experience Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. Incorporating chiropractic care will permit you to move freely and perform your daily routine normally again.
Headaches are a common condition while pregnant, both prenatal and postpartum. Most of these headaches are migraines or cluster or tension headaches that occur at the same time of day.
As pregnant women go through their first trimester, headaches are caused by changes in hormones, stress, increased blood volume, nausea, and dehydration. In the second or third trimester, strain or tension from the stress of bad posture, insomnia, gestational diabetes, or high blood pressure are the primary causes.
Headaches can be debilitating at any time, but especially during pregnancy. Exercise, chiropractic care, massage, and other treatments can help manage headaches so you can enjoy your pregnancy headache-free.
If you are experiencing a pain sensation that travels down your legs, it is known as sciatica due to a pinched nerve or herniated disc. This pain is often seen while pregnant due to the extra weight in a pregnant woman’s body. The additional weight will ultimately cause the woman to sway her lower back backward to counter the weight. When swaying the back, the nerves can become compressed or even exacerbate the current compressed nerves.
When a pregnant woman suffers from sciatica, it is good to know that natural, safe, and effective treatment options are available. These treatments include chiropractic adjustments to relieve sciatic nerve pressure and eliminate sciatica. Incorporating massage can also ease muscle tension so the sciatic nerve does not become irritated.
Check Out Our Location Near You
1411 SE Ocean Blvd, Stuart, FL 34996
Frequently Asked Questions
Are chiropractic treatments good for pregnant women?
Chiropractic treatment is safe and effective for pregnant women. Plus, it is recommended by many in the healthcare field. With many changes taking place in a woman’s body, aches and pains are bound to emerge. Chiropractic treatment addresses instability and abnormal pressure to relieve pain and ensure a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy. Mom will be able to conduct her regular routine without feeling uncomfortable.
How soon should a chiropractor be seen while pregnant?
It is best to begin having chiropractic treatments before any signs of pain present themselves. Pain is the last symptom to appear and the first to go away, meaning that once you’re in pain, your body has already been distressed for some time. Once achieving proper posture and alignment, the comfort level will improve tremendously. So it is best to schedule a chiropractor appointment before your first trimester so that you can enjoy your journey to motherhood.
Can miscarriage occur if a chiropractic adjustment is made?
A chiropractic adjustment will not cause a miscarriage because it is a natural, gentle treatment that is safe for the mother. Spinal manipulation will help a new mother enjoy less pain and better function, leading to a healthier pregnancy for both mom and baby.
How can back pain be relieved while pregnant?
Natural back pain relief methods during pregnancy include stretching, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic adjustments. When you contact your chiropractor, they can suggest all of the options they provide.
Is a painful pelvis normal for pregnant women?
A painful pelvis is normal during pregnancy because of the pelvic changes that take place so that a baby can be delivered effectively. Even though pain is present within the pelvis, this does not have to lead to a pain-filled pregnancy. When you attend your chiropractic appointments, pelvic pain is reduced so you can return to your normal life and focus on what really matters.
Free Consultation
Book a complimentary consultation, exam, and any necessary X-rays with our expert, multidisciplinary providers and case mangers. ($270 Value)